Tendinopathy is the appropriate term for what most people—including many medical providers—mistakenly call “tendinitis.” Tendinopathies are often categorized as overuse injuries, and this is another, potentially misleading identifier.
If you experience pain in a tendon during movements—in particular, movements against resistance—then you may be experiencing a tendinopathy. Other hallmark signs of a tendinopathy include pain that becomes less intense after a warm-up or during physical activity, pain that worsens following periods of rest, and significant pain when the tendon is pulling against resistance.
Common tendinopathies include:
- Tennis elbow (lateral epicodylosis): outer portion of the elbow
- Golfer’s elbow (medial epicondylosis): inner portion of the elbow
- Proximal or distal biceps brachii: front of the shoulder or in the elbow crease
- Hip flexors (iliopsoas and/or rectus femoris): front of the hip
- Proximal or distal hamstrings: gluteal region or back of the knee
- Achilles tendinopathy: behind the heel
- Patellar tendinopathy: just below the knee cap