Plagued by constant lower back pain? Many like you suffer every day, and a large number of people will experience lower back pain AT LEAST once in their life. Letting lower back pain go untreated could lead to chronic pain, reduced mobility, trouble sleeping, poor postures, and more.

Fortunately for you, you found us, Flow Chiropractic & Sports Therapy. We are a team of experienced providers offering the best lower back pain relief in Brick, NJ, and surrounding areas. In our office, we offer nothing less than the best Chiropractic treatment (adjustments, fascial manipulation, manual therapy, and exercise) to reduce pain, increase mobility, and increase strength. Your treatment plan is created for you, customized to aid you in meeting your specific goals.

At Flow Chiropractic & Sports Therapy, our highest priority is enhancing your quality of life. This is why we offer a range of services including lifestyle advice, nutritional counseling, and bodywork to help in providing long-term health benefits. Don’t let lower back pain be the thing preventing you from living your best life – we are here to get you back to feeling your best!

Common Conditions

Lower back pain is an extremely common condition. In fact, lower back pain is the number one cause of both doctor’s visits and time off from work in the United States. Lower back pain is a complicated condition with many causes—each of which will affect different tissue(s).

Lower crossed syndrome is a postural imbalance that occurs in the muscles of lower back, pelvis, and hip joints. This condition is often a result of prolonged sitting and will be exacerbated by poor posture.

While sitting, some muscles are stuck in a shortened position—a position which begins to take hold. At the same time, other muscles are stuck in a lengthened position, and these muscles tend to become weak or inhibited.

Sciatica, also known as, piriformis syndrome, is the name for pain patterns caused by direct irritation of the sciatic nerve—most notably in the back of the thigh and leg. The sciatic nerve is most often irritated by the piriformis muscle, a hip muscle that exits the pelvis through the same opening as the sciatic nerve.

Sciatica usually occurs due to prolonged sitting and is exacerbated by poor posture. Practicing good postures can help to reduce the risk of the piriformis muscle causing sciatica.

Another condition that causes sciatic-type symptoms is spinal nerve root impingement. This condition is also known as lumbar radiculopathy and can present with pain patterns mirroring sciatica. However, true sciatica is direct impingement of the sciatic nerve in the gluteal region.

The sacroiliac (SI) joints are where the two halves of the pelvis connect to the spinal column. Sacroiliac joint dysfunction is the term used when describing restriction or fixation of the SI joints.

Restriction in these joints is common, but if left untreated, the restriction may cause a cascade of other issues. For example, restriction can alter gait (walking pattern), which may affect the hips, knees, ankles, or feet.

Alternatively, restriction may cause an imbalance where one half of the pelvis is higher or lower than the other side. This imbalance, known as pelvic obliquity, may cause a mild corrective curve in the spine to keep your head upright. This is known as functional scoliosis, and this may cause pain and tightness in different areas of the spine.